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18th c.

List of fugues and fugal compositions by composers lived in the XVII century


[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I, J] [K] [L] [M] [N, O] [P, Q] [R] [S] [T] [U, V] [W, X, Y] [Z]

Other pages of lists: 500 (XVI c. and before) | 600 (XVII c.) | 700 (XVIII c.) | 800 (XIX c.) | 900 (XX c.)

Note each composer is listed under the century in which lived the most.



All the asterisks [*] on the list of fugue indicate the Italian notes by Enrico Grangetto.





Agricola, Johann Friedrich (Dobitschen, Altenburg 1720 - Berlin 1774); Ger.

Fugal compositions from the [ca. 200] Choral-Preludes for organ


Albero y Ananos, Sebastian Ramon de (Roncal 1722 - Madrid 1756); Sp.

Recercata, fuga y sonata for harpsichord in D.


Alberti, Domenico (Venezia c. 1710 - Roma c. 1740); It.


Albinoni, Tomaso [Tommaso] (Venezia 1671 - Venezia 1750); It.


Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg (Klosterneuburg 1736 - Vienna 1809); Ger./Au.

››› Johann Georg Albrechtsberger, the own page here.


Alcock, John (London 1715 - Lichfield 1806); En.

Voluntaries [10] for organ or harpsichord (1774)


Alcock, John II (? 1740 - ? 1791); En.

[Easy] Voluntaries [8] for organ or harpsichord (ca. 1775)


Anonymous: from Missale Fratrum Minorum S. Francisci, S. Mariae Hungariae (XVIII); Hun.

››› Look for music (in MIDI) of these Authors here.

Fugue [N. 8] super Ite missa est for organ


Arne, Thomas Augustine (London 1710 - London 1778); En.

Fugue[s?] from the VIII Sonatas or Lessons for the Harpsichord [Fugue from the fourth Sonata in d minor]

Canons [many] for choir?

Nellambito dei suoi 6 concerti per organo (o cembalo) e orchestra vi solo alcuni numeri per organo solo, tra cui lAd libitum et Allegro (Fuga) in Si bemolle maggiore dal sesto concerto. [*]


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Bach's hierarchy:

The UTET Encyclopaedia describes no fewer than 89 Bach's musicians, except Johann Sebastian.

››› The Johann Sebastian Bach's ancestors in the 17th c. page.


Bach, Johann Bernhard or Bernhardt (Erfurt 1676 – Eisenach 1749)

Fugues [2] for harpsichord [D major, F major]


Bach, Johann Jacob (Eisenach 1682 – Stoccolma 1722); Ger.

Capriccio sopra la lontananza del suo fratello dilettissimo for harpsichord, BWV 992 [UTET version. Attribuited to Johann S. Bach]


Bach, Johann Lorenz (Schweinfurt 1695?8 - Lahm 1773); Ger.

Fuge for organ in D major*

Preludium and Fugue for organ in D major


Bach, Johann Sebastian (Eisenach 1685 - Leipzig 1750); Ger.

››› Johann Sebastian Bach, the own dedicated pages here.

››› Johann Sebastian Bach, the own complete works list here.


Johann Sebastian Bach, portrait by E. G. Haussman (1746)
Stadtgeschichtlisches Museum, Lepzig




Johann Sebastian Bach's sons:


Wilhelm Friedemann Bach

Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, oil on canvas by W. Weitsch (1760)


Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann (Weimar 1710 - Berlin 1784); Ger


Carl-Philipp Emanuel Bach

Carl-Philipp Emanuel Bach, pastell by Johann Philipp Bach (1780)


Fugen ohne Pedal a 3 v. [8]: 1. C major, 2. c minor, 3. D major, 4. d minor, 5. E flat major, 6. e minor, 7. B flat major, 8. f minor, FK 311 (pub. 1778)

Fughe [3] a 3 voci (B flat major, F major, c minor)
Fughe a [7] 4 voci (g minor, D major, c minor, a minor, c minor, B flat major, tripla in F major)

Fugues [4]: 1. c minor, 2. F major, 3. A major, 4. B flat major

Fugue for organ or harpsichord (1778) [2, 3?] in [F major, g minor, ...]

A fragment Fugue in C major for harpsichord

Fugues [3] for strings [?] (before 1735)

Fugal compositions from the Choral Preludes for organ

Canons [many] for organ


Bach, Carl-Philipp Emanuel (Weimar 1714 - Amburg 1788); Ger.


Johann Christian Bach

Johann Christian Bach, oil on canvas by Thomas Gainsborough


Fugue for organ [or harspichord]

Fantasias and Fugues [3] for organ [or harspichord: c minor, F major, E flat major]

Canons [many] and Fugues for instruments [MS]

Fugues [8]: Fuga a 2 in d minor, Fuga a 3 in g minor, Fuga a 3 in F major, Fuga a 3 in A major, Fuga tripla a 4 in E flat major, Fantasia e Fuga in c min, Fuga a 4 in d minor, Fuga sul nome BACH.


Bach, Johann Christian (Leipzig 1735 – London 1782); Ger.


Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach

Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach, pastel by Georg David Matthieu (1775)


Fuge c moll; Fuge uber BACH

Fugues and Fugal compositions from the Trios [?] for string [2 violins and viola or cello]


Bach, Johann Erst (Eisenach 1722 – Eisenach 1777); Ger. [J. Sebastian Bach's nephew]

3 Fantasien und Fugen (F dur, d moll, a moll)


Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich (? 1732 - ? 1795); Ger.

Fughetta on HCFBACH


Balbastre [Balbâtre], Claude-Bénigne (Digione 1727 – Paris 1799); Fr.

Pièces de Clavecin avec deux Fugues pour l’orgue (1784)

Fugues and Fugal compositions from Pièces de Clavecin (pub. 1759)


Barthélemon [Bartleman], François-Hyppolite (Bordeaux 1741 – London 1808); Fr.

Voluntaries or Easy Sonatas [6] for organ, Op. 2 (ca. 1785)


Basili, Andrea (Città di Pieve c. 1703 - Loreto 1777); It.

Fugues [15] for organ or harpsichord (Bibl. Conservatory of Bologna)


Bauck, Matthias Andreas (Amburg 1765 – Lubecca 1835); Ger.

Fugues a 3 v. [2] for organ

Introduktion und Fuge for organ


Baumgarner [Baumgärtner], Johann Baptist [Jean-Baptiste] (Augusta 1723 – Eichstätt 1782); Ger.

Fugue (s. d.)


Beauvarlet-Charpentier, Jean-Jacques (Abbéville 1734 – Paris 1794); Fr.

Fugues [6] for organ or harpsichord, Op. 6 (1777)


Beethoven, Ludwig van (Bonn 1770 - Vienna 1827); Ger.

››› Ludwig van Beethoven, the own dedicated pages here.


Bennett, John (? 1735 - ? 1784); En.

Voluntaries [10] for organ (ca. 1757-8)


Boccherini, Luigi (Lucca, Gran Ducato di Toscana 1743 - Madrid 1805); It.

Fugues [6] for two cellos, G. 73


Boyce, William (London 1710 - Kensington 1779); En.

Voluntaries [10] for organ or harpsichord (pub. posth. 1779)

Sono in forma di preludio e fuga i nos. 7 (re minore), 8 (Do maggiore), 9 (la minore) e 10 (Double Fugue in Sol maggiore). [*]


Brixi, Frantisek Xaver (Prague 1732 - Prague 1771); Cz.

Preludes and Fugues for organ


Burney, Charles (Srewbury 1736 - Chelsea, London 1814); En.

Fugues [?] from Preludes, fugues and interludes for the organ (1787)


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Caldara, Antonio (Venezia 1670 - Vienna 1736); It./Au.

Fugues with Variations [23] for organ (Berlin, Ms. 2785-88)

Prealudium von A. for organ

Preambulum et Fuga for organ


Cantallos (? c. 1760 - ?); Sp.


Catenacci, Gian Domenico P. (?); It.

Raccolta di versetti fugati [...] for organ (pub. 1792)


Chelleri, Fortunato (Parma 1686 - Cassel 1757); It.

Sonata e Fughe per pianoforte e per lorgano [?] (pub. 1729)


Cimoso, Domenico (Vicenza 1780 - Venezia 1850); It.

Versetti [?] for organ


Clementi, Muzio (Roma 1752 - Worcestershire 1832); It./En.

››› Muzio Clementi, the own page here.


Clérambault Louis-Nicolaus (Paris 1676 - Paris 1749); It.

Fugues [?] for organ (...)


Cordans, Bartolomeo (Venezia 1700 - Udine 1757); It.

Versetti [15] for organ

Versetti per il Vespro delle domeniche, del Natale e della Madonna for organ

Fugue for organ


Couperin, François Le Grand (Paris 1668 - Paris 1733); Fr.

Fugues and Fugal compositions for harpsichord [?] (pub. 1713, 1717, 1722, 1730)

Fugues from the organ Masses [2]:

Mass for the Parishes [Messe à lusage ordinaire des Paroisses, pour les Festes Solemnelles] (1690)

Mass for the Convents [Messe pour les Convents de Religiueux et Religieuses (1690)

I still have to do a careful research of the Fugues written by this author. I hope that within short time I will be able to analyse the works composed by F. Couperin in order to list those which are interesting for the purposes of site.


Croft, William (Nether Ettington 1678 - Bath 1727); En.

Voluntaries [12] for organ [Introduction, Fugue or Solo] (pub. 1712)


Croner, Daniel (? 1656 - ? 1746); Hun.

Pieces [10, Principium, Koral, Praeludiumok, Tokkatak, Fuga] for organ

Fugues for organ [2, G major, D major]


Crotch, William (Norwich 1775 - Taunton 1847); En.

Fugues [12] for organ or piano (1835-37)

Fugue on a theme by [Gottlieb Muffat for organ (1806)


Czernohorsky, Bohuslav Matey (Nimburg 1684 - Graz 1742); Cz.

Fugues [7] for organ [a minor, d minor, c minor, d minor, e minor, G sharp major, D major]

Fugue for chamber ensemble


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Dagincouurt, Françoi (Rouen 1684 - Rouen 1758); Fr.


Dandrieu, Jean-François (Paris 1682 - Paris 1738); Fr.

››› Jean-François Dandrieu, the own page here.


Dandrieu, Pierre (Paris c. 1660 - Paris 1733); Fr.


Depuis, Thomas Sanders (London 1733 - London 1776); En.

Voluntaries [9] for organ (posth.)


Doles, Johann Friedrich (? 1715 - ? 1797); Ger.


Dretzel, Cornelius Heinrich (Nuremberg 1698 - Nuremberg 1773); Ger.

Praeludium and Fugue for harpsichord in a minor [attr. to Bach, Bwv 897]


Durante, Francesco (Frattamaggiore 1684 - Napoli 1775);

Fugues [4] for organ (Bibl. Conservatory of Naples)

Fugal compositions from Trattenimenti fugati per organo (Cons. of Milano)


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Eberlin, Johann Ernst (Jettingen 1702 - Salisburg 1762); Ger.?/Au.

Versetten und Fughetten in dem 8 Kirchentonarten for organ (pub. c. 1830)

115 Versetten und Cadenzen [...] for organ (pub. c. 1830)

Toccate e Fughe per lorgano [9] for organ (pub. 1747)

Toccate e Fughe [8] for organ (Berlin Ms. ?)

Fugen und Praeludien [?] for organ (Berlin Ms. 5473)

Preambula, Ariae, Fugae [...] for organ (Berlin Ms. ?)


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand (Bohemia 1670? - Rastatt 1746); Ger.

Preludes and Fugues [19 tonalities] from Ariadne musica, Neo-organedum (pub. 1702)

Preludes and Fugues [8 tones] from Blumen-Strauss (s.a. c. 1732)

Fugal compositions from Le Piècer de Clavessin [...] Op. 2 (1696)

Fugal compositions from Musikalischer Parnassus (pub. c.


Fortsch, Wolfgang (? 1675 - ? 1743); Ger.

Fugue on Sei lob und ehr mit hohem preis for organ


Franck, Georg (Lived in Münster, XVIII ?); Ger.

Fugal compositions from Pièces choisies et portagées en différentes ouvres accommodées dans le goust moderne pour lorgue et le clavicin, Op.


Frantisek, Tuma (? 1704 - 1774); Cz.

Fugue for organ


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Galuppi, Baldassarre (Burano 1706 - Venezia 1785); It.

From the Sonatas [ca. 90] for harspichord


Gasparini, Francesco (Camaione, Lucca 1668 - Roma 1727); It.


Gass, Felix (Friburg ?); Ger.

Fugues or Fugal compositions from David ludens [...] for organ or harpsichord (pub. 1730)


Gerber, Heinrich-Nikolaus (Wenigenehrich 1702 - Sondershausen 1775); Ger.

Inventionen [6] for 2 manuals and pedal

From the 110 Variated Choral[-Prelude]s for organ


Gheyn, Mathias van den (? 1721 - 1785); Hol.


Giordani, Tomaso (Napoli c. 1730 - Dublin 1806); It.


Gluck, Christoph Willibald (Erasbach 1714 - Vienna 1787); Au.

Sonatas a tre [2, lost]


Gottlob, Johann (Algersdorf 1789 - Dresda 1864); Ger.

Fugues [?] for organ


Greene, Maurice (London c. 1695 - London 1755); En.

Voluntaries [10] for organ (1767)

Voluntaries [12] for organ or harpsichord (ca. 1780)

In forma di preludio e fuga [No. 1 in A major, No. 4 in g minor, No. 5 in G major, No. 9 in e minor, No. 10 in e minor, No. 11 in b minor, No. 12 in E major]. [*]


Greco, Gaetano (Napoli c. 1680 - ?); It.

Toccate e fughe for organ (Ms.)

Versetti for organ (Bibl. Conservatory of Naples)


Grigny, Nicolas de (St.-Pierre-le-Vieil 1672 - Reims 1703); Fr.

Fugues [?] for organ (...)


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Händel, Friedrich Georg (Halle 1685 - Londra 1759); Ger./En.

››› Friedrich Georg Händel or George Frederic Handel, the own page here.


Hart, Philip (ca. 1676 - 1749); En.

Fugues for organ or harspichord (1704)


Hässler [or Hassler], Johann Wilhelm (Erfurt 1747 - Mosca 1822); Ger.

Fugal compositions (Fugues?) from the 48 kleine Orgelstücke for organ (1799)


Haydn, Franz Joseph (Rohrau 1732 - Vienna 1809); Au.

››› Franz Joseph Haydn, the own page here.


Haydn, Michael (Rohrau 1737 - Salisburg 1806); Au.

Fugal compositions from Praeludien zu den 8 Kirchentönen (posth. pub.?)

Fugal compositions from 50 kleine Orgelstücke (Linz s.a.)


Hine, William (?); En.

Voluntary for organ in F major


[MIDI] of the above authors

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[I, J]

Justinus, [Padre] (XVIII); It.?/Ger.


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Keeble, John (Chichester c. 1711 - 1749); En.

Fugues and Voluntaries for organ [?] (ca. 1775-1780)


Kellner, Johann Christoff (Gräfenroda 1736 - Kassel 1803); Ger.

Fugues [3] (s.a.)

Fugues [2] for organ four hands [?] (pub. 1795)

Fugues from his Pieces for organ [?], Op. 14 n. 1/2

Six Fugues très faciles pour lOrgue ou Piano (s.a.)

Nachspiele und 1 Fuge (posth.)


Kellner, Johann Peter (Gräfenroda 1705 - Gräfenroda 1772); Ger.

Fugues [6] for organ [No. 1 in C major, No. 2 in G major, No. 3 in D major, No. 4 in c minor, No. 5 in a minor, No. 6 in d minor]

Trios [2] for organ


Kirchhoff, Gottfried (?); Ger.

Fantasia and Fuguette in D major, BWV 908

Fantasia and Fuguette in B(flat) major, BWV 907


Kirkman, Jakob (?- ?); Ol.

Voluntaries [6] for organ (ca. 1790)


Kirnberger, Johann Philipp (Saalfeld 1721 - Berlin 1762); Ger.

Canons and Fugues [48] for harpsichord


Kittel, Johann Christian (Erfurt 1732 - Erfurt 1809); Ger.

Fugues and Fugal compositions from Grosse Praeludien for organ


Königsperger, Marianus (1708 - Prüfening? 1769); Ger.

Praeambulum cum Fuga [?] for organ (pub. 1749-56)


Kopriva, Karl Blasius (Citeliby 1756 - Citeliby 1756); Cz.

Fugues [3] for organ [fa minor, d minor, a minor] (Nationalmuseum of Prague)

Fuguettes [2] for organ [G major Á la Haendel, E flat major] (Nationalmuseum of Prague)

Fugues [2] for organ [C major, F major] (pub. 1832)


Krebs, Johann Tobias (Heichelheim 1690 - Buttstädt 1762); Ger.

Trio for organ [attribuited to J. S. Bach] in c minor, BWV 585

Preludes and Fugues [8] for organ [attributed to J. S. Bach]


Krebs, Johann Ludwig (Buttelstedt 1713 - Altenburg 1780); Ger.

Fantasias and Fugues for organ [2], in F major and in a minor

Toccatas and Fugues for organ [2], in E major and in a minor

Fugues for organ [16]

Fugal compositions from the organ works: Choral-Preludes; Praeludium [6+2]


Kurcharz, Johann Baptist (Chotec 1715 - Prague 1829); Cz.

Fuga in a minor for organ


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Leo, Leonardo (S. Vito dei Normanni, Brindisi 1694 - Napoli 1744); It.

Fugues [Two books] for organ (from 1725?)


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Mage, Pierre du (Beauvais c. 1676 - Laon 1751); It.

Fugue for organ (pub. 1708)


Maichelbeck, Anton Franz (Mittelzel 1702 - Friburg 1750); Ger.

Preludes and Fugues for organ (pub. 1737?)

Versetti for organ [or harpsichord] (pub. 1737?)


Mancini, Francesco (Naples 1679 - Naples 1739); It.

Sonata decima terza in g. for recorder, 2 violins and basso continuo (1. Largo, 2. Fuga, 3. Largo, 4. Spiritoso)


Marcello, Benedetto (Venezia 1686 - Brescia 1739); It.


Marchand, Louis (Lions 1669 - Paris 1732); Fr.

Fugues [?] for organ (...)


Marrigues, Jean-Nicolas (1745 - 1819); Fr.

Fugue in e minor for organ


Martini, Giambattista Padre (Bologna 1706 - Bologna 1784); It.

See also in the list of the Treatises, here.

Fugues [?] for organ or harspichord

Fugue for organ from Venti composizioni originali per organo (pub. 1956)


Mattheson, Johann (Hamburg 1781 - Hamburg 1764); Ger.


Mayr, Giovanni Simone (Mendorf, Bavaria 1763 - Bergamo 1845); It.

Prelude and Fugue in F major for organ


Metsch, Placidus (Lived in Rott/Inn? 1700 - 1778); Ger.

Litigiosa digitorum unio id est Preambula duo organistica cun Fugis [...] (pub. 1759)

Fugal compositions from Organedus ecclesiastico-aulicus [...] (pub. 1764)

Fugues from the harpsichord pieces [Sonatas]


Monn, Georg Matthias (Vienna 1717 - Vienna 1750); Au.

Fugal compositions from Ausgewälte Orgelwerke (posth. pub.)

Fugue in F major for organ (Berlin, W-D Bibl. Mus. Ms. 22473)


Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (Salzburg 1756 - Vienna 1791); Au.

››› Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the own page here.


Muffat, Gottlieb (Passau 1690 - Vienna 1770); Ger.

Fuga in g for organ

Fugal compositions from 72 Versetl samt 12 Toccaten für Orgel oder Cembalo (pub. 1726)

Fugal compositions from Componimenti Musicali per il Cembalo (ca.

Ricercari [32] and Canzoni [19] for organo (Minoritenkonvent, XIV, 715)


Müthel, Johann Gottfried (1728 - 1788); Ger.


[MIDI] of the above authors

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[N, O]

Nares, James (Stanwell 1715 - London 1783); En.

Fugues [6] with Introductory Voluntaries (1722)

Fugues [7] for organ or harspichord


Nauss, Johann Xaver (?); Ger.?

Fugen, Versetten [...] for organ from Die spielende Muse [...] (s.a.)


Nicolai, Johann Georg (1702 - 1788); Ger.


Oley, Johann Christoph (1738 - 1789); Ger.


Oxinagas, Joaquin de (?); Sp.

Fugues [2?] for organ [or harspichord]


[MIDI] of the above authors

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[P, Q]

Panzau, Augusta Octavianus (?); Ger.

Octo-Tonium Ecclesiastico-Organicum [...] Seu Fugae ex Octo Toni (s.a.)


Paradisi [Paradies], Pietro Domenico (Napoli 1707 - Venezia 1791); It.


Pasterwitz, Georg von (1730 - 1803); Ger.

Fugen, Themata und Versetten for organ (pub. 1792)

Preludes and Fugue for organ


Pavona, Pietro Alessandro (Palmanova 1728 - Cividale 1786); It.

2 Fugati for organ


Pera, Girolamo (?); It.

Versetti for organ (Bibl. Conservatory of Venezia)


Perti, Giacomo (Crevalcore 1661 - Bologna 1756); It.

Fuga a 2 parti (Martini/Mann 269)


Pescetti, Giovanni Battista (Giovanbattista) (Venezia c. 1704 - Padova? 1766); It.


Philidor, Pierre Danican (Paris 1681 - Versailles 1731); Fr.

Fugue from the Sonatas for flute and harpsichord [12] (1718?)


››› Polish music: Christmas Carols & Psalm Melodies, here.

Outstanding page published on thank to the Completorium Polish Early Music.


Porpora, Nicola (Napoli 1686 - Napoli 1766); It.

Fugues [6 Fugal compositions] for organ


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Rameau, Jean-Philippe (Digione 1683 - Paris 1764); Fr.


Rathgeber, Valentin (Oberelsbach 1682 - Banz 1750); Ger.

Fugal compositions from Musikalischer Zeitverbreit auf dem Clavier (1743)


Rejcha, Antonín (Prague 1770 - Paris 1836); Cz.

Fugues [3] for organ


Rembt, Johann Ernst (1749 - 1810); Ger.

50 Fughetten a 4 v. for organ (pub.? 1792 c. )

Trios [6] for organ (1787)


Rigler, Ferenc Pal (ca. 1748 - c. 1796); Hun.

Fugue for organ [manualiter] (posth. 1798)


Roseingrave, Thomas (Winchester 1690 - Dublin 1766); En.

Voluntarys and Fugues [Voluntary and Fugue in f minor, Fugue in d minor, Voluntary [Fuga] in g minor, Voluntary [Fuga] in g minor, Fugue in G major, Voluntary [Fuga] in G major, Voluntary [Fuga] in c minor, Double Fugue in B flat major, Double Fugue in F major, Double Fugue in e minor] for organ or harpsichord (1728, c. 1750?) [*]

Six double Fugues for organ or harpsichord (ca. 1750)

Fugues [fa minor, e minor] for organ


Russell, William (London 1777 - London 1813); En.

Voluntarys [12?] for organ [or harpsichord?] (1804, 1812)


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Sabadini, Bernardo (Venezia ? - Parma 1718); It.

Fugue for organ (Bibl. Conservatory of Bologna)


Salieri, Antonio (Legnago, Verona 1750 - Vienna 1825); It.


Santucci, Marco (Camajon 1762 - Lucca 1843); It.

Fugues [6] for organ (Bibl. Conservatory of Napoli)

Sonatas [12] in stile fugato for organ or pianoforte (Bibl. Conservatory of Napoli)

Sonatas [6] for organ (Bibl. Palatina Parma)

Versetti [112] for organ (Bibl. Conservatory of Napoli)


Scarlatti, Domenico (Napoli 1685 - Madrid 1757); It.

››› Domenico Scarlatti, the complete Sonatas here.


Schneider, Johann Christian Friedrich (Altwaltersdorf 1786 - Dessau 1853); Ger.


Schnitzer, Franz Xaver (1740 - 1785); Ger.


Sechter, Simon (Friedberg, Bohemia 1788 - Vienna 1867); Au.

32 leichte Versetten for organ, Op. 32 (pub. 1827)

Preludi, Fughe e Variationen for organ, Op. 7 (pub. 1827) [attribuited to Simon Sechter]


Seeger, Josef Ferdinand Norbert (Repín, Melník 1716 - Prague 1782); Cz.

Preludes [36] for organ

Toccaten und Fugen for organ (1961)

Preludes and Fugues [21] for organ (1962)


Selby, William (1738 - 1798); En./Usa.

Voluntaries or Fugues for organ or harpsichord


Sigismondo, Giuseppe (Napoli 1739 - Napoli 1826); It.

Fughette a due for organ (1760)

Fugue for organ (Bibl. Conservatory of Naples)


Simon, Johann Kaspar (Nördlingen ?); Ger.

Musicalisches A. B. C. in kleinen und leichten Fugetten [...] (pub. 1749)

Leichte Praeludien und Fugen [...] (pub. 1750-51)

Variirte und fugirte Chörale auf der Orgel (pub. 1754)


Soler, Antonio (Olot, Gerona 1729 - El Escorial 1783); Sp.

››› Fra Antonio Soler, the own page here.


Sorge, Georg Andreas (Mellenbach 1703 - Lobenstein 1778); Ger.

Fugues on the name B.A.C.H. [3] for organ (after 1750?), BWV 107-109

Fugues [12+12] 12 kurze Fugen und 12 lange Fugen for organ

Trios [12] for manual and pedal (after 1750?)


Stadler, Maximilian (Melk 1748 - Vienna 1833); Ger.

Fugen für clavier und orgel [?]


Stanley, John (London 1713 - London 1786); En.

Voluntaries [10] for organ or harpsichord, Op. 5 (1748)


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Tartini, Giuseppe (Pirano d Istria 1692 - 1770); It.


Telemann, Georg Philipp (Magdeburg 1681 - Amburgo 1767); Ger.

20 kleine Fugen for organ or harpsichord (ca. 1740, 1731?)

Fugues Legeres et Petits Jeux a Clavessin seul (1738-39)

Fughetten [2] in F major, D minor for organ (ca. 1740)

Sonate in Trio in D major for organ [two manuals and pedal] (ca. 1740)


Travers, John (ca. 1703 - London 1758); En.

Voluntaries [12] for organ (1769)


[MIDI] of the above authors

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[U, V]

Umbreit, Karl Gottlieb (Rehstedt Arnstadt 1763 - Rehstedt Arnstadt 1829); Ger.

Fugal compositions (Fugues?) from the 12 Orgelstücke for organ (pub. 1818)

Fugal compositions (Fugues?) from the 25
Orgelstücke for organ (Bonn s.a.)


Valerj, Gaetano (Padova 1760 - Padova 1822); It.

Fugues from Dodici sonata per organo, Op. 1a (pub. 1785)


Vallade, Johann Baptist Anton (Organist in Mendorf/Ingolstadt, XVIII); Ger.

Dreyfaches Musicalisches Exercitium [...] oder VII. Preambula und Fugen [...] (pub. 1723)

Der Praeludierende Organist [...] (pub. 1757)

Fugen [16] for organ or or piano (Norimberg s.a.)


Vierling, Johann Gottfried (Metzel/Meiningen 1750 - Schmalkalden 1813); Ger.

Fugues and Fugal compositions from the organ works: Orgelstücke (s.a., two publication); 48 leichte Orgelstücke (pub. posth.); Leichte Orgelstücke (pub. 1790); 22 leichte Orgelstücke [for two manuals and pedal] (pub. 1790); 100 Versetti for organ and Fugal compositions from Versuch einer Anleitung zum Praeludiren (1794)


Vilar, Francisco (? - 1770); Sp.

Tiento lleno del 1° tono for organ (1726-42?)


Viraldini, Antonio (? 1705 - ? 1741); It.


Vitali, Tomaso Antonio (1663 - 1743); It.


Vitásek, Jan August (Horín 1770 - Prague 1839); Cz.

Preludes and Fugues for organ


Vivaldi, Antonio (Venezia 1678 - Vienna 1741); It.


Vogler, Johann Kaspar (1696 - 1763); Ger.


Vogler, Joseph Georg (Würzburg 1749 - Darmstadt 1814); Ger.

Fugues and Fugal compositions from the organ works: 112 petits Préludes per organo o clavicembalo, Op. 9 (1776); Preludes [32] (1806); Preludes [32] [also for fortepiano] (1808)


[MIDI] of the above authors

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[W, X, Y]

Wagenseil, Georg Christoph (Vienna 1715 - Vienna 1777); Au.

Fugues and Fugal compositions from the organ works: Preambula octo tonorum pro organo vel clavicembalo (Ms. ?); Preludes (also or harpsichord, pianoforte) (Ms. ?); Versetti for the mass in eight books (Ms.)


Walond, William (ca. 1725 - 1770); En.

Voluntaries [6] for organ (1752)*


Walther, Johann Gottfried (Erfurt 1689 - Weimar 1748); Ger.

Preludes and Fugues for organ [4] (C major, d minor, A major, G major) from the Opera Omnia (pub. 1906, 1958)

Toccata and Fugue for organ (C major) from the Opera Omnia (pub. 1906, 1958)

Fugue for organ (F major) from the Opera Omnia (pub. 1906, 1958)

Choral-Preludes for organ (by Johann Sebastian Bach?) [BWV 692-3, BWV 748]

Choral-Preludes for organ [105] from the Opera Omnia (pub. 1906, 1958)


Wanhal, Johann Baptist (Nechanice 1739 - Vienna 1831); Cz.

Fugues for organ (S.m. 16834 Vienne)

Fugue for organ or harspichord (pub. 1785)

Fugues for organ [12] (pub. 1802)

Preambula for organ (pub. 1801-14)

Preambula for organ (pub. 1800 c. )


Weber, Bernhard Christian (? 1712 - ? 1758); Ger.

The Well-Tempered Clavier, 24 Preludes and Fugues (1743)


Weber, Carl Maria von (Eutin, Holstein 1786 - London 1826); Ger.

Fuguettes [6] for piano


Werner, Gregor Joseph (1693 - Einsestadt 1766); Au.

Preludes and Fugues for strings


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Zach, Jan (Czelakovice, Prague 1699 - Bruchsal, Baden 1773); Cz.

[Preludes and] Fugues [2] for organ [c minor, a minor]


Zimmermann, Antal (ca. 1741 - c. 1781); Un.

Fuga super Alleluja for organ


Zipoli, Domenico (Prato 1688 - Córdoba, Argentina 1726); It.

Fugal compositions from the Suites and the Versetti and Canzonas for organ or harpsichord


[MIDI] of the above authors

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