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Letter F

Composer dedicated pages:



Falconieri (Falconiero), Andrea (Napoli 1585-6 - Napoli 1656); It.

Il Primo Libro di Canzone, Sinfonie, Fantasie, Capricci, Brandi, Correnti Gagliarde, Alemane, Volte, Napoli (1650), with parts for canto, altro canto, basso and basso continuo
» MIDI | 3. L'Eroica à 3
» MIDI | 13. Passacalle à 3
» MIDI | 21. Batalla à 3

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Johan Tufvesson


Il Primo Libro di Canzone, Sinfonie, Fantasie, Capricci, Brandi, Correnti Gagliarde, Alemane, Volte, Napoli (1650), with parts for canto, altro canto, basso and basso continuo
» MIDI | 1. L'Austria, Canciona echa para el Serenissimo Señor Don Iuan de Austria
» MIDI | 13. Passacalle à 3

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Andrea Friggi


» MIDI | ?. Corriente, dicha la Mota, echa por Don Pedro de la Mota
» MIDI | ?. Brando, dicho el Melo

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Francisco Valdivia


Falla, Manuel de (Cadiz 1876 - Alta Gracia, Argentina 1946); Sp. Biography

» MIDI | Ritual fire Dance from El Amor bujo
» MIDI | Ritual fire Dance from El Amor bujo


Duo-Art (live) recording, piano: Arthur Rubinstein


Fantini, Girolamo (Spoleto 1600 - ? 1675); It.

Three Dances
» MIDI | Ballet
» MIDI | Ballet
» MIDI | Capricio

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Michel Rondeau


Suite in B flat
» MIDI | Brando detto il Rucellai
» MIDI | Brando detto del Bufalo
» MIDI | Sarabanda detto del Zozzi

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Michel Rondeau


Farmer, John (c. 1565 - c. 1605); En.

» MIDI | Fair Phyllis I saw

Collection by © (under Free Art License). Read more.


Farnaby, Giles (Truro, Cornwall 1560 - London 1640); En.

» MIDI | Thrice blessed be the giver

Collection by © (under Free Art License). Read more.


Fasch, Johann Friedrich (Buttelstädt 1688 - Zerbst 1758); Ger.

Sonata in d (arranged for brass and organ)
» MIDI | 1. Andante
» MIDI | 2. Allegro
» MIDI | 3. Cantabile
» MIDI | 4. Allegro

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Michel Rondeau


Fauré, Gabriel (Pamiers 1845 - Passy 1924); Fr. Biography

››› Gabriel Fauré, the own page here.


Faure, Jean Baptiste (Moulins 1830 - Paris 1914); Fr.

» MIDI | Sancta Maria for solo voice and piano

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Pierre Gouin


» MIDI | Les Rameaux for solo voice and piano

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Boris Crépeau


Fayrfax, Robert  (1464 - 1521); En.

» MIDI | ? for choir a cappella

Sequence by John H. McCloskey


Fernandez de Huete, Diego (? ca. 1635 - ? 1713); Sp.

» MIDI | Tres moricas

Collection by © (under Free Art License). Read more.


Ferrabosco I, Alfonso (? 1543 - Bologna 1588); It.

» MIDI | Fantasia Ut re mi fa sol la for instruments AAT (or SAT)


Ferrabosco II, Alfonso (Greenwich, London c. 1575 - Greenwich 1628); En.

» MIDI | In Nomine

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Jens Egeberg


Ferranti, Marco Aurelio Zani de (Bologna 1801 - Pisa 1878); It.

» MIDI | Serenade (guitar elaboration of most famous Schubert's Lied Ständchen) (1846)

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Renzo Garrone


Ferrini, Giovanni Battista (Roma 1601 - Roma 1674); It.

» MIDI | Ciaccone for keyboard instrument

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Simone Stella


Festa, Costanzo (1480? - 1545); It.

Madrigals for voice ensemble
» MIDI | Ahi che vuoi più cruciarm'amor
» MIDI | Altro non è'l mi'amor
» MIDI | Altro non è'l mi'amor °
» MIDI | Lieto non hebbi °
» MIDI | Madonna, io mi consumo °
» MIDI | Quando ritrovo la mia pastorella
» MIDI | Quel dolce foco
» MIDI | Quel dolce foco °
» MIDI | Si come sete bella °
» MIDI | Tanta beltad'è in voi
» MIDI | Tanta beltad'è in voi °
» MIDI | Venite amanti *

Collection by © (under Free Art License). Read more.
* Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Angelo Poliziano
° Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Jürgen Knuth


Festa, Sebastiano [Sebastian] (Torino? c. 1495 - Roma? 1524); It.

» MIDI | Lultimo dì de maggio
» MIDI | L'ultimo dì de maggio *
» MIDI | O passi sparsi
» MIDI | S'el pensier che mi strugge *

MIDIs of Medieval and Renaissance period, by © Dr.J.Curtis Clark
* Collection by © (under Free Art License). Read more.


Field, John (Dublin 1782 - Moscow 1837); Ir.

» MIDI | Yearning Waltz for piano

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © André van Ryckeghem


Fielitz, Alexander von (Leipzig 1860 - Bad Salzungen 1930); Ger.

» MIDI | Canzonetta Op. 31 No. 1

Sequences by © Keith Otis Edwards


Finger, Gottfried (Godfrey) (c. 1660 - Mannheim 1730); Ger.

Sonata in C major (arranged for brass and organ)
» MIDI | 1. Grave
» MIDI | 2. Largo
» MIDI | 3. Allemande
» MIDI | 4. Adagio

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Michel Rondeau


Sonata in B flat major for 2 piccolo trumpets and basso continuo
» MIDI | 1. Andante
» MIDI | 2. Allegro
» MIDI | 3. Grave
» MIDI | 4. Allegro

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Michel Rondeau


Fischer, Johann Kaspar Ferdinand (Baden ? c. 1670 - Rastatt 1746); Ger.

Organ music:

Ariadne musica for organ, Part 1 (1702)
» MIDI | 1. Prelude in C major
» MIDI | 2. Prelude in c sharp minor
» MIDI | 3. Prelude in d minor
» MIDI | 4. Prelude in D major
» MIDI | 5. Prelude in E flat major
» MIDI | 6. Prelude in e phrygian
» MIDI | 7. Prelude in e minor
» MIDI | 8. Prelude in E major
» MIDI | 9. Prelude in f minor
» MIDI | 10. Prelude in F major
» MIDI | 11. Prelude in f sharp minor
» MIDI | 12. Prelude in g minor
» MIDI | 13. Prelude in G major
» MIDI | 14. Prelude in A flat major
» MIDI | 15. Prelude in a minor
» MIDI | 16. Prelude in A major
» MIDI | 17. Prelude in B flat major
» MIDI | 18. Prelude in b minor
» MIDI | 19. Prelude in B major
» MIDI | 20. Prelude in c minor

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Andreas Huwe


Ricercares for organ
» MIDI | Ricercar pro Tempore Adventus super Initium Cantilenae: Ave Maria klare
» MIDI | Ricercar pro Festis Paschalibus super Initium Cantilenae: Christ ist erstanden
» MIDI | Ricercar pro Tempore Quadragesimae super Initium Cantilenae: Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund
» MIDI | Ricercar pro Festis Natalytis super Initium Cantilenae: Der Tag der ist so freudenreich
» MIDI | Ricercar pro Festis Pentacostalibus super Initium Cantilenae: Komm Heiliger Geist mit deiner Genad

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Gil Garty


Music for string ensemble:

Le journal de printemps for string ensemble (dessus, haut contre, taille, quinte and basse continue)
3. Ouverture III » MIDI | 3:1. Ouverture
» MIDI | 3:2. Menuet
» MIDI | 3:3. Gavotte
» MIDI | 3:4. Trio
» MIDI | 3:5. Chaconne
» MIDI | 4. Ouverture IV
» MIDI | 5. Ouverture V
» MIDI | 6. Ouverture VII

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Johan Tufvesson


Fischer, Johann Christian (Freiburg-im-Breisgau 1733 - London 1800); Ger.

» MIDI | Presto in A major [attr. to Johann Christian Fischer]

Collection of Renaissance and other music by Lory Werths


Fischer, Michael Gotthardt (Erfurt? 1773 - Erfurt? 1829); Ger.

» MIDI | Andante
» MIDI | Allegro
» MIDI | Auferstehn, ja auferstehn
» MIDI | Das Jesulein soll doch mein Trost
» MIDI | Das walt' mein Gott
» MIDI | Jerusalem, du hochgebaute Stadt
» MIDI | Lasset uns mit Jesu ziehen
» MIDI | Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig
» MIDI | Moderato
» MIDI | Sei gegrüsst, Jesu, du einiger Trost
» MIDI | Serioso
» MIDI | Todt im Grabe lag der Herr
» MIDI | Valet will ich dir geben image for organ

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Patrick Roose


Flecha, Mateo (? 1481 - ? 1553); Sp.

» MIDI | Teresica Hermana

Sequence by © David Miles


Fontana, Giovanni Battista (Brescia c. 1571 - Padova c. 1631); It.

Sonate a 1.2.3. per il violino, o cornetto, fagotto, chitarone, violoncino o simile altro istromento (Venezia 1641)
» MIDI | 1. Sonata Prima*
» MIDI | 3. Sonata Terza*
» MIDI | 9. Sonata Nona
» MIDI | 10. Sonata Decima
» MIDI | 12. Sonata Duodecima
» MIDI | 13. Sonata Terzadecima
» MIDI | 14. Sonata Quartadecima
» MIDI | 15. Sonata Quintadecima

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Andrea Friggi or * © Hans Mons


Forqueray, Antoine (Paris 1671 – Mantes-la-Jolie 1745); Fr.

Compositions for viols arranged for harpsichord by Jean-Baptiste-Antoine Forqueray (1699-1782), published in Pièces de Clavecin, 1747
Suite No. 1
» MIDI | 2. La Forqueray
» MIDI | 4. La Bellmont
» MIDI | 5. La Portugaise image
» MIDI | 6. La Couperin
Suite No. 3
» MIDI | 2. La Régente image

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Pierre Gouin


Fornsete, John of [or Monk] (Norfolk, Fornsett ? - 1239); En.

Sumer is icumen (Summer is coming in), often attr. to John of Fornsete, is considered the oldest known canon. It was probably written at Reading Abbey between 1240 and 1280.

» MIDI | Sumer is icumen
» MIDI | Sumer is icumen in *
» MIDI | Sumer is icumen in *

Collection of Renaissance and other music by Lory Werths
* MIDIs of Medieval and Renaissance period, by © Dr.J.Curtis Clark


Forster, Georg (? c. 1510 - ? 1568); Ger.

» MIDI | O weh der Zeit, horale bicinium for keyboard instrument
» MIDI | Timete Dominum omnes Sancti eius, bicinium for keyboard instrument

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Karsten Mekelburg


» MIDI | In Martini festo (attr. to Anonymous composer) from Frische teutsche Liedlein, Teil II, 1540

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Ulrich Alpers


Fosse, Jacob La (?) (fl.1703 - 1721); Fr.?

» MIDI | Cornet in d minor
» MIDI | Fuga and Allegro in C major
» MIDI | Trompet bas in g minor
» MIDI | Fúga in C major

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © ?


See also The Cocquiel-manuscript.


Foucquet, Pierre-Claude (Paris 1694 - Paris? 1772); Fr.

Pièces de clavecin – Oeuvre première - Les Caractères de la Paix in C
» MIDI | 1. La Renommée
» MIDI | 2. Marche en rondeau
» MIDI | 3. Fanfare
» MIDI | 4. Le Feu
» MIDI | 5. Les Grâces pour musette - 2ème Musette
» MIDI | 6. Tambourin - Les Ris: rondeau
» MIDI | 7. Les Jeux: rondeau

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © ?


Françaix, Jean (Le Mans 1912); Fr.

Divertissement pour deux guitares (1981)
» MIDI | 1. Entrée
» MIDI | 2. Élégie
» MIDI | 3. Madrigal
» MIDI | 4. Rondeau

Sequences by Dmitri Bachovich


Franck, César-Auguste (Liegi 1822 - Paris 1890); Fr. Biography

››› César-Auguste Franck, the own page here.


Franck, Melchior (Zittau c. 1579-80 - Coburg 1639); Ger.

Hohelied (The Songs of Solomon) for 5 part choir SSATB
» MIDI | 4. O daß ich dich, mein Bruder
» MIDI | 5. Du bist aller Dinge schön

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Jürgen Fleck


» MIDI | Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt for choir SATB

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Jürgen Fleck


» MIDI | Gloria Patri, qui creavit nos from Viridarium musicum 1613 for double choir SSAT + SATTB

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Ulrich Alpers


» MIDI | Intrada (Kommt, ihr Gspielen)
» MIDI | Canzona (Ein Mägdlein jung)

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Michel Rondeau


Franzoni, Amante (fl. 1605 - 1630); It.

» MIDI | Canzona in F
» MIDI | Canzona francese (La Gonzaga)

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Michel Rondeau


Frei, Jacinto (? 1692?); Port.

» MIDI | Toccata in d minor (date unknown)

Sequence by © Fabrizio Marchesano


Frescobaldi, Gerolamo (Ferrara 1583 - Roma 1643); It. Biography

››› Gerolamo Frescobaldi, the own page here.


Freundt, Cornelius (c. 1535 - 1591); Ger.

» MIDI | Wie schön singt uns der Engel Schar for choir SATB

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © ?


Friderici, Daniel (? 1584 - ? 1638); Ger.

» MIDI | Wir lieben sehr im Herzen

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © André van Ryckeghem


Friml, Rudolf [Rudolph] (Prague 1879 - Hollywood 1972); Cz./Usa.

» MIDI | Chanson (Melodie) in C
» MIDI | Chanson (Melodie) in C*


Ampico (live) recording, piano: ... Delcamp or * Rudolf Friml

» MIDI | Sometime Waltz (from Sometime)


Ampico (live) recording, piano: Arden and Williams


Froberger, Johann Jakob [Johann Jacob] (Stuttgart 1616 - Hricourt 1667); Ger.

››› Johann Jacob Froberger, the own page here.


Fuenllana, Miguel de (Navalcarnero, Madrid, c. 1500 - Valladolid, 1579); Sp.

» MIDI | Pleni sunt coeli for vihuela, from Orphénica lyra (1554) after Josquin des Prés Missa Hercules

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Lorenz Felgentreff


Führer, Robert (Prag 1807 - Oberösterreich? 1861); Cz.

››› Robert Führer, the own page here.


Füllsack & Hildebrandt, publishers (17th century)

Erster Theil außerlesener Paduanen und Galliarden (1607)
» MIDI | 1a. Paduana (by M. Borchgrevink)
» MIDI | 1b. Galliard (by J. Praetorius)
» MIDI | 2a. Paduana (by W. Brade)
» MIDI | 2b. Galliard (by W. Brade)
» MIDI | 3a. Paduana (by B. Greebe)
» MIDI | 3b. Galliard (by B. Greebe)
» MIDI | 4a. Paduana (by M. Borchgrevink)
» MIDI | 4b. Galliard (by M. Borchgrevink)
» MIDI | 5a. Paduana (by P. Philips)
» MIDI | 5b. Galliard (by P. Philips)
» MIDI | 6a. Paduana (by W. Brade)
» MIDI | 6b. Galliard (by W. Brade)
» MIDI | 7a. Paduana (by Anonymous)
» MIDI | 7b. Galliard (by Anonymous)
» MIDI | 8a. Paduana (by T. Mons)
» MIDI | 8b. Galliard (by J. Praetorius)
» MIDI | 9a. Paduana (by W. Brade)
» MIDI | 9b. Galliard (by W. Brade)
» MIDI | 10a. Paduana (by W. Brade)
» MIDI | 10b. Galliard (by W. Brade)
» MIDI | 11a. Paduana (by W. Brade)
» MIDI | 11b. Galliard (by W. Brade)
» MIDI | 12a. Paduana (by M. Mercker)
» MIDI | 12b. Galliard (by M. Mercker)
» MIDI | 13a. Paduana (by W. Brade)
» MIDI | 13b. Galliard (by W. Brade)
» MIDI | 14a. Paduana (by J. Sommer)
» MIDI | 14b. Galliard (by J. Harding)
» MIDI | 15a. Paduana (by Anonymous)
» MIDI | 15b. Galliard (by Anonymous)
» MIDI | 16a. Paduana (by A. Holborne)
» MIDI | 16b. Galliard, Ecce quam bonum (by A. Holborne)
» MIDI | 17a. Paduana (by Anonymous)
» MIDI | 17b. Galliard (by Th. Mons)
» MIDI | 18a. Paduana, Susanne un jour (by J. Sommer)
» MIDI | 18b. Galliard (by J. Dowland)
» MIDI | 19a. Paduana, Patiencia (by A. Holborne)
» MIDI | 19b. Galliard, Hermoza (by A. Holborne)
» MIDI | 20a. Paduana (by W. Brade)
» MIDI | 20b. Galliard (by W. Brade)
» MIDI | 21a. Paduana (by E. Johnson)
» MIDI | 21b. Galliard (by J. Sommer)
» MIDI | 22a. Paduana (by J. Sommer)
» MIDI | 22b. Galliard (by J. Sommer)
» MIDI | 23a. Paduana (by W. Brade)
» MIDI | 23b. Galliard (by W. Brade)
» MIDI | 24a. Paduana (by J. Sommer)
» MIDI | 24b. Galliard (by J. Sommer)

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Ulrich Alpers


Furchheim, Johann Wilhelm (? 1635 - ? 1682); Ger.

» MIDI | Suite á 5 (Düben collection IMHS 3:12)

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Annette Mondrup


Fux, Johann Joseph (Hirtenfeld in Styria 1660 - ? 1741); Au.

Overture to the opera Pulcheria [arranged for brass quartet, timpani and organ], K 304
» MIDI | 1. Allegro
» MIDI | 2. Adagio
» MIDI | 3. Presto

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Michel Rondeau


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