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Händel [Handel], Friedrich Georg

Halle 1685 - London 1759





[...] In contrast to the almost universal esteem accorded Bach’s fugues since at least the early 19th century, those of Handel have been somewhat neglected. Handel’s focus on opera and oratorio, and the relative paucity of keyboard music from his pen, result in a very small number of pieces designated ‘fugue’, the most prominent being the Six Fugues or Voluntarys for the Organ or Harpsichord issued by Walsh in 1735. Handel’s most important contributions to the genre are probably those in the choruses of his oratorios, which differ in only small ways from the keyboard fugues (two of the six keyboard fugues of 1735, for instance, ended up arranged as choruses in Israel in Egypt). In general, Handel’s treatment of fugue is freer and less rigorous than Bach’s: the part-writing (at least of the keyboard fugues) is often loosely handled, the counterpoint is sometimes allowed to relax into thematic statement accompanied by chordal texture, thematic statements are less recognizably grouped, episodes less clearly defined, thematic material less economically used. These characteristics have not universally been considered signs of inferiority. [...]

(From Grove Enc. of Music)


[...] perhaps the only great Fuguist exempt from pedantry.

(From Burneys History about Handel, 1789)





Giulio Cesare, Opera HWV 17 (1724):

Giulio Cesare: Act 1
» MIDI | Overture
» MIDI | Overture: Allegro
Scena I
» MIDI | 1. Coro: Viva, viva il nostro Alcide! (Egyptians)
» MIDI | 2. Aria: Presti omai legizia terra (Cesare)
» MIDI | Recitativo: Curio, Cesare venne, e vide e vinse (Cesare, Curio)
Scena II
» MIDI | Recitativo: Questa e Cornelia (Cesare, Curio, Cornelia, Sesto)
Scena III
» MIDI | Recitativo: La reggia Tolomeo toffre in albergo (Achilla, Cesare, Sesto, Cornelia, Curio)
» MIDI | 3. Aria: Empio, diro, tu sei (Cesare)
Scena IV
» MIDI | Recitativo: Gia torna in se (Curio, Sesto, Cornelia)
» MIDI | 4. Aria: Priva son dogni conforto (Cornelia)
» MIDI | Recitativo: Vani sono i lamenti (Sesto)
» MIDI | 5. Aria: Svegliatevi nel core (Sesto)
» MIDI | Aria. Lombra del genitore (Sesto)
Scena V
» MIDI | Recitativo: Regni Cleopatra (Cleopatra, Nireno, Tolomeo)
» MIDI | 6. Aria: Non disperar, chi sa? (Cleopatra)
Scena VI
» MIDI | Recitativo: Sire, signor! / Achilla! (Achilla, Tolomeo)
» MIDI | 7. Aria: Lempio, sleale, indegno (Tolomeo)
Scene VII
» MIDI | 8. Accompagnato: Alma del gran Pompeo (Cesare)
» MIDI | Recitativo: Qui nobile donzella (Curio, Cesare, Cleopatra)
» MIDI | 9. Aria: Non e si vago e bello (Cesare)
» MIDI | Recitativo: Cleopatra, vincesti (Nireno, Cleopatra)
» MIDI | 10. Aria: Tutto puo donna vezzosa (Cleopatra)
» MIDI | Recitativo: Ferma Cleopatra (Nireno, Cleopatra)
Scena VIII
» MIDI | 11. Arioso: Nel tuo seno, amico sasso (Cornelia)
» MIDI | Recitativo:Ma che! Vile e negletta (Cornelia, Cleopatra, Sesto, Nireno)
» MIDI | 12. Aria: Cara speme, questo core (Sesto)
» MIDI | [12. Aria: ritornello finale]
» MIDI | Recitativo: Vegli pure il Germano (Cleopatra)
» MIDI | 13. Aria. Tu la mia stella sei (Sesto)
Scena IX
» MIDI | Recitativo: Cesare, alla tua destra (Tolomeo, Cesare, Achilla)
» MIDI | 14. Aria: Va tacito e nascosto (Cesare)
Scena X
» MIDI | Recitativo: Sire, con Sesto il figlio questa e Cornelia (Achilla, Tolomeo, Cornelia, Sesto)
Scena XI
» MIDI | Recitativo: Cornelia, in quei tuoi lumi (Achilla, Cornelia, Sesto)
» MIDI | 15. Aria: Tu sei il cor di questo core (Achilla)
» MIDI | Recitativo: Madre! / Mia vita! / Addio ... (Sesto, Cornelia)
» MIDI | 16. Duetto: Son nata a lagrimar / Son nato a sospirar (Cornelia, Sesto)

Sequences and score (quality) by Mutopia


Giulio Cesare: Act 2
Scena I
» MIDI | Recitativo: Eseguisti, o Niren, quanto timposi? (Cleopatra, Nireno)
Scena II
» MIDI | Recitativo: Da Cleopatra apprenda (Nirreno, Cesare)
» MIDI | Sinfonia
» MIDI | Recitativo: Cieli, e qual dalle sfere (Cesare, Nireno)
» MIDI | Sinfonia
» MIDI | Recitativo: Giulio, che miri? (Cesare)
» MIDI | 17. Aria: Vadoro, pupille (Cleopatra)
» MIDI | Recitativo: Non ha in cielo il Tonante (Cesare, Cleopatra)
» MIDI | [17.] Da capo. Aria. Vadoro, pupille (Cleopatra)
» MIDI | Recitativo: Vola, vola, mio cor, al dolce incanto (Cesare, Nireno)
» MIDI | 18. Aria: Se in fiorito ameno prato (Cesare)
Scene III
» MIDI | 19. Arioso: Deh, piangete, o mesti lumi (Cornelia)
» MIDI | Recitativo: Bella, non lagrimare! (Achilla, Cornelia)
Scene IV
» MIDI | Recitativo: Bella, placa lo sdegno! (Tolomeo, Cornelia, Achilla)
» MIDI | 20. Aria: Se a menon sei crudele (Achilla)
» MIDI | Recitativo: Bella, contanto aborri chi ti prega damar? (Tolomeo, Cornelia)
» MIDI | 21. Aria: Si, spietata, il tuo rigore (Tolomeo)
Scena V
» MIDI | Recitativo: Su, che si tarda? (Cornelia, Sesto)
Scena VI
» MIDI | Recitativo: Cornelia, infauste nove (Nireno, Cornelia, Sesto)
» MIDI | 22. Aria: Cessa omai di sospirare! (Cornelia)
» MIDI | Recitativo: Figlio non e chi vendicar non cura (Sesto)
» MIDI | 23. Aria: Langue offeso mai riposa (Sesto)
Scena VII
» MIDI | Recitativo: Esser quì deve in breve lidol mio (Cesare, Cleopatra)
» MIDI | 24. Aria: Venere bella (Cleopatra)
» MIDI | Recitativo: Che veggio, o numi? (Cesare, Cleopatra)
Scena VIII
» MIDI | Recitativo: Cesare, sei tradito (Curio, Cesare, Cleopatra)
» MIDI | 25. Aria e Coro: Al lampo dellarmi (Cesare, Congiurati)
» MIDI | Mora Cesare, mora! (Cesare, Congiurati)
» MIDI | 26. Accompagnato: Che sento? Oh dio! Morra Cleopatra ancora (Cleopatra)
» MIDI | 27. Aria: Se pieta di me non senti (Cleopatra)
Scena IX
» MIDI | 28. Arioso e Recitativo: Belle dee di questo core (Tolomeo, Cornelia, Sesto)
» MIDI | ... di quel che avete in doppie stelle accolto (Tolomeo, Cornelia, Sesto)
Scena X
» MIDI | Recitativo Sire, prendi! / Che fia? (Achilla, Tolomeo, Sesto, Cornelia)
Scene XI
» MIDI | Recitativo: Ecco in tutto perduta la speme di vendetta (Sesto, Cornelia)
» MIDI | 29. Aria: Laure che spira (Sesto)

Sequences and score (quality) by Mutopia


Giulio Cesare: ]Act 3
Scena I

» MIDI | Recitativo: In tal modi si premia il mio lungo servir (Achilla)
» MIDI | 30. Aria: Dal fulgor di questa spada (Achilla)
Scena II
» MIDI | Sinfonia
» MIDI | Recitativo: Vinta cadesti al balenar di questo mio fulmine reale (Tolomeo, Cleopatra)
» MIDI | 31. Aria: Domero la tua fierezza (Tolomeo)
Scena III
» MIDI | Recitativo: E pur cosi in un giorno (Cleopatra)
» MIDI | 32. Aria: Piangero la sorte mia (Cleopatra)
» MIDI | Ma poi morta dogni intorno (Cleopatra)
Scena IV
» MIDI | 33. Accompagnato: Dallondoso periglio
» MIDI | Aria: Aure, deh, per pieta (Cesare)
» MIDI | Recitativo: Cerco invan Tolomeo per vendicarmi (Sesto, Achilla, Cesare, Nireno)
Scena V
» MIDI | Recitativo: Lascia questo sigillo! (Cesare, Sesto)
» MIDI | 34. Aria: Quel torrente che cade dal monte (Cesare)
Scena VI
» MIDI | Recitativo: Tutto lice sperar, Cesare vive (Sesto, Nireno)
» MIDI | 35. Aria: La giustizia ha gia sullarco (Sesto)
Scena VII
» MIDI | 36. [Preludio]
» MIDI | Accompagnato: Voi, che mie fide ancelle un tempo foste (Cleopatra)
» MIDI | Recitativo: Forzai lingresso a tua salvezza, o cara! (Cesare, Cleopatra)
» MIDI | 37. Aria: Da tempeste il legno infranto (Cleopatra)
Scene VIII
» MIDI | Recitativo: Cornelia, e tempo omai (Tolomeo, Cornelia)
Scena IX
» MIDI | Recitativo: Tarresta, o genitrice! (Sesto, Tolomeo, Cornelia)
» MIDI | 38. Aria: Non ha piu che temere (Cornelia)
Scena ultima
» MIDI | Sinfonia
» MIDI | Recitativo: Qui Curio vincitor, qui tuo lEgitto (Nireno, Cesare, Sesto, Cornelia, Cleopatra)
» MIDI | 39. Duetto: Caro! / Bella! Piu amabile belta (Cleopatra, Cesare)
» MIDI | Recitativo: Goda pur or lEgitto (Cesare)
» MIDI | 40. Coro e Duetto: Ritorni omai nel nostro core - Un bel contento il sen gia si prepara (Egyptians, Cleopatra, Cesare)

Sequences and score (quality) by Mutopia


Operas (excerpts from various/other Operas):

Rinaldo, HWV 7 (1711)
» MIDI | Cara Sposa
» MIDI | Lascia chio pianga

Rodelinda, Regina de Longobardi, HWV 19 (1725)
» MIDI | Dove sei, amato bene
» MIDI | Mio caro bene

Scipione, HWV 20 (1726)
» MIDI | March

Tolomeo, Re d'Egitto, HWV 25 (1728)
» MIDI | Se Fiera, Aria
» MIDI | Vivi tiranno

Xerxes (Serse) HWV 40 (1738)
» MIDI | Largo

Sequences by © Ken Whitcomb





The Messiah, Oratorio HWV 56 (1742):

The Messiah: Part I
» MIDI | 1. Symphony
» MIDI | 2. Accompanied recitative Comfort ye
» MIDI | 3. Aria Every valley
» MIDI | 4. Chorus And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed
» MIDI | 5. Accompanied recitative Thus saith the Lord
» MIDI | 6. Aria But who may abide the day of His coming
» MIDI | 7. Chorus And He shall purify
» MIDI | 8. Recitative Behold, a virgin shall conceive
» MIDI | 9. Aria and Chorus O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion
» MIDI | 10. Accompanied recitative For behold, darkness shall cover the earth
» MIDI | 11. Aria The people that walked in darkness
» MIDI | 12. Chorus For unto us a Child is born
» MIDI | 13. Pifa
» MIDI | 14. Recitative There were shepherds abiding in the field
» MIDI | 15. Recitative And the angel said unto them
» MIDI | 16. Accompanied recitative And suddenly there was with an angel
» MIDI | 17. Chorus Glory to God
» MIDI | 18. Aria Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion
» MIDI | 19. Recitative Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened
» MIDI | 20. Aria He shall feed His flock like a shepherd
» MIDI | 21. Chorus His yoke is easy

Sequences by © D. Viens [In KdF thanks to Tim Robinson]


The Messiah: Part II
» MIDI | 22. Chorus Behold the Lamb of God
» MIDI | 23. Aria He was despised
» MIDI | 24. Chorus Surely He hath borne our griefs
» MIDI | 25. Chorus And with His stripes we are healed
» MIDI | 26. Chorus All we like sheep have gone astray
» MIDI | 27. Accompanied recitative All they that see Him, laugh Him to scorn
» MIDI | 28. Chorus He trusted in God that He would deliver Him
» MIDI | 29. Accompanied recitative Thy rebuke hath broken His heart
» MIDI | 30. Arioso Behold, and see if there be any sorrow
» MIDI | 31. Accompanied recitative He was cut off out of the land of the living
» MIDI | 32. Aria But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell
» MIDI | 33. Chorus Lift up your heads, O ye gates
» MIDI | 34. Recitative Unto which of the angels said He
» MIDI | 35. Chorus Let all the angels of God Worship Him
» MIDI | 36. Aria Thou art gone up on high
» MIDI | 37. Chorus The Lord gave the word
» MIDI | 38. Aria How beautiful are the feet of them
» MIDI | 39. Chorus Their sound is gone out into all lands
» MIDI | 40. Why do the nations so furiously rage
» MIDI | 41. Chorus Let us break their bonds asunder
» MIDI | 42. Recitative He that dwelleth in heaven
» MIDI | 43. Aria Thou shalt break them
» MIDI | 44. Chorus Hallelujah!

Sequences by © D. Viens [In KdF thanks to Tim Robinson]


The Messiah: Part III
» MIDI | 45. Aria I know that my Redeemer liveth
» MIDI | 46. Chorus Since by man came death
» MIDI | 47. Accompanied recitative Behold, I tell you a mystery
» MIDI | 48. Aria The trumpet shall sound
» MIDI | 49. Recitative Then shall be brought to pass
» MIDI | 50-51. Duet O death, where is thy sting - But thanks be to God
» MIDI | 52. Aria If God be for us
» MIDI | 53. Chorus Worthly is the Lamb

Sequences by © D. Viens [In KdF thanks to Tim Robinson]


Judas Maccabaeus, Oratorio HWV 63 (1747):

Judas Maccabaeus
» MIDI | 0. Overture
» MIDI | 1. Mourn, ye afflicted children
» MIDI | 3. From this dread scene
» MIDI | 4. For Zion lamentation make
» MIDI | 6. Pious orgies, pious airs
» MIDI | 7. O Father, whose almighty power
» MIDI | 9-10. Arm, arm ye brave! We come in bright array
» MIDI | 15. Come, ever-smiling liberty (aria)
» MIDI | 18. Come, ever-smiling liberty (duet)
» MIDI | 30. Zion now her head shall raise
» MIDI | 38-39. Ah! Wretched, wretched Israel!
» MIDI | 56. See, the conquering hero comes
» MIDI | 58. Sing unto God
» MIDI | 60. With honour let desert be crowned

Sequences by © Ken Whitcomb



Orchestral music


Concerti Grossi:

6 Concertos Op. 3 (HWV 312-317) (1734)

Concerto No. 1 in B flat major, HWV 312
» MIDI | 1. Allegro
» MIDI | 2. Largo
» MIDI | 3. Vivace

Concerto No. 2 in B flat major, HWV 313
» MIDI | 1. Vivace
» MIDI | 2. Largo
» MIDI | 3. Allegro
» MIDI | 4. [Minuetto]
» MIDI | 5. [Gavotte]

Concerto No. 3 in G major, HWV 314
» MIDI | 1. Largo e staccato
» MIDI | 2-3. Adagio, Allegro

Concerto No. 4 in F major, HWV 315
» MIDI | 1. Largo, Allegro, Lentement
» MIDI | 2. Andante
» MIDI | 3. Allegro
» MIDI | 4. Minuetto alternativo

Concerto No. 5 in d minor, HWV 316
» MIDI | 1. Grave
» MIDI | 2. Allegro
» MIDI | 3. Adagio
» MIDI | 4. Allegro ma non troppo
» MIDI | 5. Allegro

Concerto No. 6 in D major / d minor, HWV 317
» MIDI | 1. Vivace
» MIDI | 2. Allegro

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Fritz Brodersen


12 Concertos Op. 6 (HWV 319-330) (1740)

Concerto Grosso in G major, Op. 6 No. 1, HWV 319
» MIDI | 1. A tempo giusto
» MIDI | 2. Allegro e forte
» MIDI | 3. Adagio
» MIDI | 4. Allegro
» MIDI | 5. Allegro

Concerto Grosso in F major, Op. 6 No. 2, HWV 320
» MIDI | 1. Andante larghetto
» MIDI | 2. Allegro
» MIDI | 3. Largo - Adagio - Larghetto andante, e piano
» MIDI | 4. Allegro ma non troppo

Concerto Grosso in e minor, Op. 6 No. 3, HWV 321
» MIDI | 1. Larghetto
» MIDI | 2. Andante
» MIDI | 3. Allegro
» MIDI | 4. Polonaise: Andante
» MIDI | 5. Allegro, ma non troppo

Concerto Grosso in a minor, Op. 6 No. 4, HWV 322
» MIDI | 1. Larghetto affettuoso
» MIDI | 2. Allegro
» MIDI | 3. Largo e piano
» MIDI | 4. Allegro

Concerto Grosso in D major, Op. 6 No. 5, HWV 323
» MIDI | 6. Menuet: Un poco larghetto

Concerto Grosso in g minor, Op. 6 No. 6, HWV 324
» MIDI | 1. Largo affettuoso
» MIDI | 2. A tempo giusto
» MIDI | 3. Musette: Larghetto
» MIDI | 4. Allegro
» MIDI | 5. Allegro

Concerto Grosso in B flat major, Op. 6 No. 7, HWV 325
» MIDI | 1. Largo
» MIDI | 2. Allegro
» MIDI | 3. Largo e piano
» MIDI | 4. Andante
» MIDI | 5. Hornpipe

Concerto Grosso in c minor, Op. 6 No. 8, HWV 326
» MIDI | 1. Allemande
» MIDI | 2. Grave
» MIDI | 3. Andante, Allegro
» MIDI | 4. Adagio
» MIDI | 5. Siciliana: Andante
» MIDI | 6. Allegro

Concerto Grosso in F major, Op. 6 No. 9, HWV 327
» MIDI | 1. Largo
» MIDI | 2. Allegro
» MIDI | 3. Larghetto
» MIDI | 4. Allegro
» MIDI | 5. Menuet
» MIDI | 6. Gigue: Allegro

Concerto Grosso in d minor, Op. 6 No. 10, HWV 328
» MIDI | 1. Ouverture
» MIDI | 2. Allegro
» MIDI | 3. Air: Lentement
» MIDI | 4. Allegro
» MIDI | 5. Allegro
» MIDI | 6. Allegro moderato

Concerto Grosso in A major, Op. 6 No. 11, HWV 329
» MIDI | 1. Andante larghetto e staccato
» MIDI | 2. Allegro
» MIDI | 3. Largo e staccato
» MIDI | 4. Andante
» MIDI | 5. Allegro

Concerto Grosso in b minor, Op. 6 No. 12, HWV 330
» MIDI | 2. Allegro
» MIDI | 3. Aria: Larghetto e piano

Sequences by © Ken Whitcomb


Organ Concertos:

Organ Concertos Op. 4 (HWV 289-294) (1738)

Concerto in B flat major, Op. 4 No. 2, HWV 290
» MIDI | 1. A tempo ordinario, e staccato
» MIDI | 2. [Allegro]
» MIDI | 3. Adagio, e staccato
» MIDI | 4. [Allegro]
Concerto in g minor, Op. 4 No. 3, HWV 291
» MIDI | 1. Adagio
» MIDI | 2. Allegro
» MIDI | 3. Adagio
» MIDI | 4. Allegro
Concerto in F major, Op. 4 No. 5, HWV 293
» MIDI | 1. [Larghetto]
» MIDI | 2. [Allegro]
» MIDI | 3. Alla Siciliana
» MIDI | 4. Presto
Concerto in B flat major, Op. 4 No. 6, HWV294
» MIDI | 1. Andante - allegro
» MIDI | 2. [Larghetto]
» MIDI | 3. Allegro moderato

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © José Hilario Miramontes


Concerto in F major, HWV 295 (The Cuckoo and the Nightingale) (1740)
» MIDI | 1. Larghetto
» MIDI | 2. Allegro
» MIDI | 3. Adagio
» MIDI | 4. Larghetto
» MIDI | 5. Allegro

Sequences by © Ken Whitcomb
The first movement is also the first movement of the second overture to Handels Israel in Egypt


Organ Concertos Op. 7 (HWV 306-311) (1761)

» MIDI | Concerto in B flat major, Op. 7 No. 1, HWV 306 *

» MIDI | Concerto in A major, Op. 7 No. 2, HWV 307 *

» MIDI | Concerto in B flat major, Op. 7 No. 6, HWV 311

Sequences by © Ken Whitcomb
* Sequences by © John McCoy


Other Concertos:

Concerto for oboe and orchestra in B flat major No. 1, HWV 301 (1740)
» MIDI | 1. Adagio
» MIDI | 2. Allegro
» MIDI | 3. Largo
» MIDI | 4. Vivace

Sequences by Karl H. Wittenburg


Suites, Overtures and Other Orchestral music:

The Water Music, Suite 1 in F major, HWV 348 (1717)
» MIDI | 1. Ouverture
» MIDI | 5. Air
» MIDI | 7. Bourreé
» MIDI | 8. Hornpipe
» MIDI | 9. Andante
» MIDI | 11. Alla hornpipe

Sequences by © George Pollen


The Royal Fireworks Suite, HWV 351 (1749) (excerpts)
» MIDI | 1. Ouverture
» MIDI | 2. Boureé
» MIDI | 3. La Paix
» MIDI | 4. Le Réjouissance, Menuet I and II

Sequences by © George Pollen


Arrangements (by other composers):

Water Music for 2 keyboard instruments, Suite 1 in F major, HW 348 (1717)
» MIDI | 1. Ouverture
» MIDI | 2. Adagio e Staccato
» MIDI | 3. Allegro
» MIDI | 4. Menuet
» MIDI | 5. Air
» MIDI | 6. Minuet for the French Horn
» MIDI | 7. Bourrée
» MIDI | 8. Hornpipe
» MIDI | 9. (Andante)
» MIDI | 10. (Allegro)
» MIDI | 11. Alla Hornpipe

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, (arranged and edited by) © Pierre Gouin



Chamber music


Sonatas for violin:

» MIDI | 1. Sonata for violin and klavier in A major, HWV 361 (also Op. 1 No. 3) (1725-26)
» MIDI | 2. Sonata for violin and klavier in g minor, HWV 368 (also Op. 1 No. 10) (1732) *
» MIDI | 3. Sonata for violin and klavier in F major, HWV 370 (also Op. 1 No. 12) (1732) *
» MIDI | 4. Sonata for violin and klavier in D major, HWV 371 (also Op. 1 No. 13) (1732) °
» MIDI | 5. Sonata for violin and klavier in A major, HWV 372 (also Op. 1 No. 14) (1732) °
» MIDI | 6. Sonata for violin and klavier in E major, HWV 373 (also Op. 1 No. 15) (1732) °

Chamber music collection by (cc)
* Probably spurious
° The last piece of chamber music written by Handel


Sonatas for recorder:

» MIDI | Sonata for recorder and harpsichord in g minor, HWV 360 (also Op. 1 No. 2) (1725-26)

Sequences by © Randy Reid



Board [organ or harpsichord (piano)] works


Suites de Pieces pour le Clavecin, Volume I (before 1720):

Suite No. 1 in A major, HWV 426
» MIDI | 1. Prelude (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 2. Allemande (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 3. Courante (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 4. Gigue (» MIDI | Variant)

Suite No. 2 in F major, HWV 427
» MIDI | 1. Adagio (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 2. Allegro
» MIDI | 3. Adagio (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 4. Allegro [Fugue]

Suite No. 3 in d minor, HWV 428
» MIDI | 1. Prelude (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 2. Allegro [Fugue]
» MIDI | 3. Allemande (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 4. Courante
» MIDI | 5. Air and Variations (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 6. Presto (» MIDI | Variant)

Suite No. 4 in e minor, HWV 429
» MIDI | 1. Allegro [Fugue]
» MIDI | 2. Allemande
» MIDI | 3. Courante
» MIDI | 4. Sarabande (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 5. Gigue

Suite No. 5 in E major, HWV 430
» MIDI | 1. Prelude (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 2. Allemande
» MIDI | 3. Courante
» MIDI | 4. Air and Variations ["The harmonious blacksmith"]

Suite No. 6 in f sharp minor, HWV 431
» MIDI | 1. Prelude (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 2. Largo
» MIDI | 3. Allegro [Fugue]
» MIDI | 4. Gigue(Presto)

Suite No. 7 in g minor, HWV 432
» MIDI | 1. Ouverture: [Largo] - (Presto) - [Largo]
» MIDI | 2. Andante
» MIDI | 3. Allegro
» MIDI | 4. Sarabande
» MIDI | 5. Gigue
» MIDI | 6. Passacaglie

Suite No. 8 in f minor, HWV 433
» MIDI | 1. Prelude (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 2. Allegro [Fugue] (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 3. Allemande
» MIDI | 4. Courante
» MIDI | 5. Gigue

Sequences by © Akihisa Yamada


Other sequences:

» MIDI | Suite No. 4 in e minor, HWV 429 (1720): Fugue, Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Gigue
» MIDI | Suite No. 8 in f minor, HWV 433 (1720): Prelude, Fugue, Allemande, Courante, Gigue

Sequences by © Michel De Rudder


Suites de Pieces pour le Clavecin, Volume II (pub. 1733):

Suite No. 9 in B flat major, HWV 434 (? 1710-17)
» MIDI | 1. Prelude (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 2. Sonata
» MIDI | 3. Aria con Variazioni
» MIDI | 4. Minuet

Suite No. 10 in G major, HWV 435 (? 1705-17)
» MIDI | Chacone [with 21 Variations] (» MIDI | Variant)

Suite No. 11 in d minor, HWV 436 (1721-6)
» MIDI | 1. Allemande (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 2. (Allegro)
» MIDI | 3. Air (Lentement) (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 4. Gigue (Presto)
» MIDI | 5. Menuetto [and Variations] (» MIDI | Variant)

Suite No. 12 in d minor, HWV 437 (1703-6)
» MIDI | 1. Allmand
» MIDI | 2. Corrant
» MIDI | 3. Saraband [and Variations] (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 4. Jigg

Suite No. 13 in e minor, HWV 438 (1710-17)
» MIDI | 1. Allmand
» MIDI | 2. Saraband
» MIDI | 3. Jigg

Suite No. 14 in g minor, HWV 439 (1703-6)
» MIDI | 1. Allmand
» MIDI | 2. Corrant
» MIDI | 3. Jigg (» MIDI | Variant)

Suite No. 15 in B flat major, HWV 440 (1703-06, rev. 1717-18)
» MIDI | 1. Allmand
» MIDI | 2. Corrant
» MIDI | 3. Saraband
» MIDI | 4. Jigg

Suite No. 16 in G major, HWV 441 (1703-6)
» MIDI | 1. Allemande
» MIDI | 2. Allegro
» MIDI | 3. Corante
» MIDI | 4. Aria (Presto)
» MIDI | 5. Menuetto
» MIDI | 6. Gavotta
» MIDI | 7. Double
» MIDI | 8. Gigue (» MIDI | Variant)

Suite No. 17 in G major, HWV 442 (1703-6)
» MIDI | 1. Preludio(Allegro)
» MIDI | 2. Ciacona [with 62 Variations]

Sequences by © Akihisa Yamada

Suite No. 18 in C major, HWV 443 (ca. 1700-3)
» MIDI | 1. Praeludium [und Fuge]
» MIDI | 2. Allemande (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 3. Courante
» MIDI | 4. Sarabande
» MIDI | 5. Double
» MIDI | 6. Gigue
» MIDI | 7. Chaconne [with 26 Variations]

Partita No. 19 in c minor, HWV 444 (ca. 1705-6)
» MIDI | 1. Prelude (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 2. Allemande (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 3. Courante (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 4. Gavotte
» MIDI | 5. Menuet

Suite No. 20 in c minor, HWV 445 (1705-6)
» MIDI | 1. Prelude (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 2. Allemande
» MIDI | 3. Courante

Suite No. 22 in d minor, HWV 447 (1738-9)
» MIDI | 1. Allemande (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 2. Courante (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 3. Sarabande (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 4. Gigue (» MIDI | Variant)

Suite No. 23 in d minor, HWV 448 (ca. 1705-6)
» MIDI | 1. Ouverture [Grave] - (Allegro) - (Adagio) (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 2. Allemande
» MIDI | 3. Courante
» MIDI | 4. Sarabande I
» MIDI | 5. Sarabande II
» MIDI | 6. Chaconne [with 10 Variations] (» MIDI | Variant)

Suite No. 24 in d minor, HWV 449 (ca. 1705)
» MIDI | 1. Prelude
» MIDI | 2. Allemande
» MIDI | 3. Courante
» MIDI | 4. Sarabande
» MIDI | 5. Aria [con Variazioni]
» MIDI | 6. Gigue
» MIDI | 7. Menuet

Partita No. 25 in G major, HWV 450 (ca. 1700-5)
» MIDI | 1. Preludio
» MIDI | 2. Allemande
» MIDI | 3. Courante
» MIDI | 4. Sarabande
» MIDI | 5. Gigue
» MIDI | 6. Menuet

Suite No. 27 in g minor, HWV 452 (1738-9)
» MIDI | 1. Allemande
» MIDI | 2. Courante
» MIDI | 3. Sarabande (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 4. Gigue

Suite No. 28 in g minor, HWV 453 (ca. 1705-6)
» MIDI | 1. Ouverture [Grave] - [Allegro]
» MIDI | 2. Entree
» MIDI | 3. Chaconne (» MIDI | Variant)

Partita No. 29 in A major, HWV 454 (ca. 1703-6)
» MIDI | 1. Allemande
» MIDI | 2. Courante
» MIDI | 3. Sarabande
» MIDI | 4. Gigue

Sequences by © Akihisa Yamada



» MIDI | Air in g minor, HWV 466 [two manual] (ca. 1710-20)
» MIDI | Air in B flat major, HWV 470 [two manual] (ca. 1710-20)

Sequences by © Akihisa Yamada



» MIDI | Capriccio in F major, HWV 481 (ca. 1703-6)
» MIDI | Capriccio in g minor, HWV 483 (ca. 1720-1)

Sequences by © Akihisa Yamada



» MIDI | Chaconne [with 49 Variations] in C major, HWV 484 (ca. 1700-5)
» MIDI | Chaconne in F major, HWV 485 [two manual] (» MIDI | Variant) (ca. 1705)
» MIDI | Chaconne in g minor, HWV 486 (ca. 1708) (» MIDI | Variant)

Sequences by © Akihisa Yamada



Concerto in G major, HWV 487 (ca. 1710-20)
» MIDI | 1. Concerto (Allegro)
» MIDI | 2. Andante

Sequences by © Akihisa Yamada



Prelude and Capriccio in G major, HWV 571 (ca. 1703-6)
» MIDI | 1. Prelude
» MIDI | 2. Capriccio

Prelude and Allegro in a minor, HWV 576 (ca. 1705-6)
» MIDI | 1. Prelude (» MIDI | Variant)
» MIDI | 2. Allegro

» MIDI | Preludio ed Allegro [Sonata] in g minor, HWV 574 (ca. 1705)

Sequences by © Akihisa Yamada


Sonatas and Sonatinas:

» MIDI | Sonata [Fantasia] in C major, HWV 577 (ca. 1703-5)

Sonata in C major, HWV 578 [clock organ] (ca. 1750)
» MIDI | 1. Sonata (Allegro)
» MIDI | 2. Trio (Larghetto)
» MIDI | 3. Gavotte (Non troppo presto)

» MIDI | Sonata [Fantasia] in G major, HWV 579 [two manual] (ca. 1707-10?)
» MIDI | Sonata (larghetto) in g minor, HWV 580 (ca. 1707-10?)

» MIDI | Sonatina in d minor, HWV 581 (ca. 1705)
» MIDI | Sonatina in G major ['Fuga'], HWV 582 (ca. 1721-2)
» MIDI | Sonatina (A tempo giusto) in g minor, HWV 583 (ca. 1721-2)
» MIDI | Sonatina in a minor, doubtful, HWV 584 (ca. 1706-8)
» MIDI | Sonatina in B flat major, HWV 585 (ca. 1721-2)

Sequences by © Akihisa Yamada


Piano rolls:

» MIDI | The harmonious Blacksmith


Live (quality) by © Katsuhiro Oguri



Six Fugues or Voluntarys for the Organ or Harpsichord, HWV 605-610 (c. 1711-18)
» MIDI | 1. Fugue in g minor, HWV 605
» MIDI | 2. Fugue in G major, HWV 606
» MIDI | 3. Fugue in B flat major, HWV 607
» MIDI | 4. Fugue in b minor, HWV 608
» MIDI | 5. Fugue in a minor, HWV 609
» MIDI | 6. Fugue in c minor, HWV 610
» MIDI | 6. Fugue in c minor, HWV 610 *

Sequences by unknown Author
* Sequence by John H. McCloskey


» MIDI | 7 Kleine Fugen for organ and harpsichord (Fugue 1-6 have no catalog numbers, Fugue 7 in F major is HWV 611)

Free sheet music collection of the W. Icking Archive, © Pierre Gouin


Transcriptions by other composers:

» MIDI | Largo, piano transcription
» MIDI | Largo, piano transcription *


Ampico (live) recording, piano: Milton Suskind
* Deluxe, Welte (live) recording, piano: Eugene Adam Barnard


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