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Bach, Johann Sebastian

Eisenach 1685 - Leipzig 1750




BWV 1072 to BWV 1087



The Canon triplex: detail of one of twice portraits by E. G. Haussman (1746)
Stadtgeschichtlisches Museum, Lepzig



The Bach Project: J.S. Bach's Complete Works for keyboard. New Audiophile Recordings.



Johann Sebastian Bach on Kunst der Fuge site:


List of pages:








Various and Abstract canons

Einige canonische Veränderungen über das Weynacht Lied [...], BWV 769 [see here]
Clavier Übung [IV] bestehend in einer ARIA mit verschiedenen [30] Veränderungen (1741-1745) [Goldbergs Aria and 30 Variations], BWV 988. See in the Bach's harpsichord page.


» MIDI | Canon Trias Harmonica (a 8 v.), BWV 1072
» MIDI | Canon perpetuus a 4 v., BWV 1073
» MIDI | Canon a 4 v., BWV 1074
» MIDI | Canon a 4 v., BWV 1074i
» MIDI | Canon perpetuus a 2 v., BWV 1075
» MIDI | The [famous] Canon triplex a 6 v., BWV 1076

See the picture at the top of the page.

In reality that Canon has an incredible number of solutions [480?]!

» MIDI | Canon doppio sopril Soggetto, BWV 1077
» MIDI | Canon super Fa Mi a 7 post Tempus Musicum, BWV 1078
» MIDI | Canon Concordia discors a 2 v., BWV 1086
» MIDI | Verschiedene Canones over the first eight bass notes of the Goldberg Variationen (ca.  1742-46), BWV 1087

Sequences by © Dave J. Grossman



The Musicalisches Opfer (A musical Offering / L'Offerta Musicale, 1747) for klavier, flute, violin(s) and basso continuo, BWV 1079

» MIDI | A musical Offering [complete - I part]
» MIDI | A musical Offering [complete - II part]

Chamber music collection by (cc)


Separated movements:

» MIDI | Ricercare a 3
» MIDI | Canon perpetuus a 2 super thema regium*
» MIDI | Canon a 2 [per motum contrarium]*
» MIDI | Canon a 2 [violini in unisono]*
» MIDI | Canon a 2 per motum contrarium*
» MIDI | Canon a 2 per augmentationem, contrario motu
» MIDI | A 2 per toni
» MIDI | Fuga canonica in Epidiapente
» MIDI | Ricercare a 6
» MIDI | Canon a 2. Quarendo invenietis. Solution A
» MIDI | Canon a 2. Quarendo invenietis. Solution B
» MIDI | Canon a 2. Quarendo invenietis. Solution C
» MIDI | Canon a 2. Quarendo invenietis. Solution D
» MIDI | Canon a 4
» MIDI | 1. Largo
» MIDI | 2. Allegro
» MIDI | 3. Andante
» MIDI | 4. Allegro

Sequences by Unknown. MIDI marked by * are revised by © Dave J. Grossman


Autograph cover by J. S. Bach of A musical Offering (1747)



Die Kunst der Fuge, Herrn Johann Sebastian Bach, ehemahligen Capellmeister und Musikdirector zu Leipzig (The Art of the Fugue / LArte della Fuga, from 1740? or 45? to 1949? or 50?), BWV 1080


Subscribers may have the complete score in a new typesetting (no scanning) PDF / A4


» MIDI | The Art of the Fugue [complete - I part]
» MIDI | The Art of the Fugue [complete - II part]

Chamber music collection by (cc)


Die Kunst der Fuge / The Art of the Fugue / L'Arte della Fuga

» MIDI | Contrapunctus I a 4
» MIDI | Contrapunctus II a 4
» MIDI | Contrapunctus III a 4
» MIDI | Contrapunctus IV a 4
» MIDI | Contrapunctus V a 4
» MIDI | Contrapunctus VI a 4 in Stylo Francese
» MIDI | Contrapunctus VII a 4 per Augment[ationem] et Diminut[ionem]
» MIDI | Contrapunctus VIII a 3
» MIDI | Canon per Augmentationem in Contrario Motu
» MIDI | Contrapunctus IX a 4 alla Duodecima
» MIDI | Canon alla Decima. Contrapunto alla Terza
» MIDI | Canon alla Duodecima in Contrapunto alla Quinta
» MIDI | Contrapunctus X a 4 alla Decima
» MIDI | Canon alla Ottava
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XI a 4
» MIDI | Contrapunctus Rectus XII a 4
» MIDI | Contrapunctus Inversus XII a 4
» MIDI | Contrapunctus Rectus XIII a 3
» MIDI | Contrapunctus Inversus XIII a 3
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XIX. Fuga a 3 soggetti

Sequences (* Director Musices version) by Mutopia Project
Sheet music (PDF) available for subscribers!


Die Kunst der Fuge / The Art of the Fugue / L'Arte della Fuga

Four simple Fugues:
» MIDI | Contrapunctus I a 4
» MIDI | Contrapunctus II a 4
» MIDI | Contrapunctus III a 4
» MIDI | Contrapunctus IV a 4
V-VII. Three counterfugues:
» MIDI | Contrapunctus V a 4 [Normal fugue]
» MIDI | Contrapunctus VI a 4 in Stile francese [Fugue with diminution]
» MIDI | Contrapunctus VII a 4 per Augment[ationem] et Diminut[ionem]
VIII-XI. Double and Triple Fugues:
» MIDI | Contrapunctus VIII a 3 [Triple Fugue]
» MIDI | Contrapunctus IX a 4 alla Duodecima [Double Fugue in double counterpoint at the twelth]
» MIDI | Contrapunctus X a 4 alla Decima [Double Fugue in double counterpoint at the tenth]
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XI a 4 [Triple (quadruple) Fugue]
XII-XV. Canons:
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XII. Canon alla Ottava
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XIII. Canon alla Duodecima in Contrapunto alla Quinta
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XIV. Canon alla Decima. Contrapunto alla Terza
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XV. Canon per Augmentationem in Contrario Motu
XVI-XVIII. Mirror fugues:
» MIDI | » MIDI | Contrapunctus XVI. A 4.*)
» MIDI | » MIDI | Contrapunctus XVII. Fuga a 2 Clav. (rectus); Alio modo Fuga a 2 Clav. (inversus).*)
» MIDI | » MIDI | Contrapunctus XVIII. [No title. Rectus, Inversus] *)
*) NB. Rectus und Inversus getrennt zu spielen! (In the autoghaph ed.)
XVI-XVIII. Final (quadruple?) Fugue:
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XIX. Fuga a 3 soggetti [4?] **)
**) NB. Über dieser Fuge, who der Nahme B.A.C.H. im Contrasubject angebracht worden, ist der Verfasser gestorben [N.B. While working on this fugue, where the name B.A.C.H. appears in the countersubject, the composer died (in the autograph, in the hand of C.P.E. Bach)

Sequences (study version) by Nausica Th. Classical
Sheet music (PDF) available for subscribers!


Die Kunst der Fuge / The Art of the Fugue / L'Arte della Fuga

Four simple Fugues:
» MIDI | Contrapunctus I a 4
» MIDI | Contrapunctus II a 4
» MIDI | Contrapunctus III a 4
» MIDI | Contrapunctus IV a 4
V-VII. Three counterfugues:
» MIDI | Contrapunctus V a 4 [Normal fugue]
» MIDI | Contrapunctus VI a 4 in Stile francese [Fugue with diminution]
» MIDI | Contrapunctus VII a 4 per Augment[ationem] et Diminut[ionem]
VIII-XI. Double and Triple Fugues:
» MIDI | Contrapunctus VIII a 3 [Triple Fugue]
» MIDI | Contrapunctus IX a 4 alla Duodecima [Double Fugue in double counterpoint at the twelth]
» MIDI | Contrapunctus X a 4 alla Decima [Double Fugue in double counterpoint at the tenth]
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XI a 4 [Triple (quadruple) Fugue]
XII-XV. Canons:
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XII. Canon alla Ottava
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XIII. Canon alla Duodecima in Contrapunto alla Quinta
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XIV. Canon alla Decima. Contrapunto alla Terza
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XV. Canon per Augmentationem in Contrario Motu
XVI-XVIII. Mirror fugues:
» MIDI | » MIDI | Contrapunctus XVI. A 4.*)
» MIDI | » MIDI | Contrapunctus XVII. Fuga a 2 Clav. (rectus); Alio modo Fuga a 2 Clav. (inversus).*)
» MIDI | » MIDI | Contrapunctus XVIII. [No title. Rectus, Inversus] *)
*) NB. Rectus und Inversus getrennt zu spielen! (In the autoghaph ed.)
XVI-XVIII. Final (quadruple?) Fugue:
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XIX. Fuga a 3 soggetti [4?] **)
**) NB. Über dieser Fuge, who der Nahme B.A.C.H. im Contrasubject angebracht worden, ist der Verfasser gestorben [N.B. While working on this fugue, where the name B.A.C.H. appears in the countersubject, the composer died (in the autograph, in the hand of C.P.E. Bach)

Sequences (* Director Musices version) by Nausica Th. Classical
Sheet music (PDF) available for subscribers!


The Art of the fugue, cover
Cover [reproduction from the autograph by Dover ed.] of The Art of the fugue (1750?)

The Art of the Fugue (part):

XII-XV. Canons:
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XII. Canon alla Ottava
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XIII. Canon alla Duodecima in Contrapunto alla Quinta
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XIV. Canon alla Decima. Contrapunto alla Terza
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XV. Canon per Augmentationem in Contrario Motu


Live by Nausica Th. Classical, for ©
Sheet music (PDF) available for subscribers!


The Art of the Fugue [incomplete]:

Four simple Fugues:
» MIDI | Contrapunctus I
» MIDI | Contrapunctus II
» MIDI | Contrapunctus III
» MIDI | Contrapunctus IV
V-VII. Three counterfugues:
» MIDI | Contrapunctus V [Normal fugue]
» MIDI | Contrapunctus VI a 4 in Stile francese [Fugue with diminution]
» MIDI | Contrapunctus VII a 4 per Augment[ationem] et Diminut[ionem]
VIII-XI. Double and Triple Fugues:
» MIDI | Contrapunctus VIII a 3 [Triple Fugue]
» MIDI | Contrapunctus IX a 4 alla Duodecima [Double Fugue in double counterpoint at the twelth]
» MIDI | Contrapunctus X a 4 alla Decima [Double Fugue in double counterpoint at the tenth]
» MIDI | Contrapunctus XI a 4 [Triple (quadruple) Fugue]

Sequence by © John MacLean. All rights reserved!
Sheet music (PDF) available for subscribers!


The Art of the Fugue [selection]:

» MIDI | Contrapuncti 3-6-9-10a-11 + Fuga a 2 Claviers
» MIDI | Contrapuncti Alio moda Fuga a 2. Clav. followed by Toveys Contrapunctus 14 (1931)

Sequence by © James Karageanes
Sheet music (PDF) available for subscribers!


» MIDI | Choral: Wenn wir in höchsten Nöthen sein]

Sequence (bad quality) by © unknown Author


About the Art of Fugue you may also read:

An enigma resolved: the Bach's Art of the Fugue by David Peat (on Hans-Eberhard Dentler)

Introduction to the Art of Fugue by Timothy A. Smith

On Bach's Art of the Fugue by John Stone

Glenn Gould Discourses on Fugue: Watch and Learn by John Stone


Search for Sheet music on the Art of Fugue.

* Doubtfull and/or spurious Canons [4]: BWV 1081, 1082, 1084, 1085?


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